Crop Protection Chemicals
We stock a wide variety of crop protection chemicals for every type of grower. We have herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, adjuvants and micro-nutrients for row crops, vegetables, blueberries, greenhouse, nursery crops and turf. We also order products daily from national distributors who are able to fill special orders quickly.
We carry the following products in bulk: Prowl H2O, Bucanneer Plus .
Contact us for pricing and availability.
Need more information?
Albaugh-Agristar http://www.albaughinc.com/
BASF ag products http://www.agproducts.basf.com/
BASF specialty http://www.betterplants.basf.us/
Bayer crop science http://www.bayercropscienceus.com/
Bayer specialty http://www.bayerprocentral.com/
Biosafe Systems http://www.biosafesystems.com/
Cerexagri http://www.upi-usa.com/
Chemtura http://www.chemturaagrosolutions.com/
Cleary Chemical http://www.clearychemical.com/
Dow Agrosciences http://www.dowagro.com/
Drexel Chemical http://www.drexchem.com/
Dupont Crop Protection http://www.cropprotection.dupont.com/
SePRO http://www.sepro.com/
Gowan http://www.gowanco.com/
Helena http://www.helenachemical.com/
Isagro http://www.isagro-usa.com/
Loveland Products http://www.lovelandproducts.com/
Vriesland Growers sells products from all of the major crop protection companies that distribute in the US. Below is a list of many of the companies we deal with and a link to thier website if you need more information on any of their products or services. You may also click on the box to the right if you would like to see a list of the products we normally stock in season.

Miller Chemical Co. http://www.millerchemical.com/
Monsanto http://www.monsanto.com/
NuFarm http://www.ag.us.nufarm.com/
NuFarm Specialty Products http://www.nufarm.com/US/Home
OHP, Inc http://www.ohp.com/
SipCam http://www.sipcamagrousa.com/
Syngenta Crop Protection http://www.syngentacropprotection-us.com/
Syngenta Professional Products http://www.syngentaprofessionalproducts.com/
TENKOZ, Inc http://www.tenkoz.com/
United Phosphorus, Inc http://www.upi-usa.com/
Valent Agricultural Products http://www.valent.com/
Valent Professional Products http://www.valentpro.com/
VanDiest Supply http://www.vdsc.com/
Wilbur-Ellis http://www.wilburellis.com/
* Go to the Growers Corner Page to find information on how to get a Restricted Use Pesticide license.